Back in the Garden Again – De vuelta en el jardín

Today I have the most spectacular before and after pictures for you. Here are pictures of my yard from Saturday, April 08 and Tuesday, April 11.

Hoy tengo una transformación espectacular que mostrarte. Aquí están unas fotos de mi jardín el sábado 08 de abril y el martes 11 de abril.

Front of house April 08, 2017

Front of house April 11, 2017

The difference is impressive, is it not? The best part about it is that I did not have to do any work to bring about that beautiful transformation. Mother Nature did all of the work for me. I actually had done a little work on Saturday before I took the before picture above. I do not have a true before picture, but here you can see the two buckets of leaves and other debris that I pulled from the front garden bed.

La diferencia es impresionante, ¿no? Lo mejor es que no tuve que hacer nada para lograr esta metamorfosis tan radical. Nuestra Madre la Naturaleza me hizo todo el trabajo. Bueno, la verdad es que hice un poco de trabajo el sábado antes de sacar la foto de arriba de antes. No saqué una foto anterior verdadera, pero aquí puedes ver los dos cubos de hojas y otros escombros que saqué del jardín antes de tomar la primera foto.

Buckets of garden waste

I thought that the flowers that were just about to bloom were looking pretty good.

Pensaba que las plantas al punto de florecer eran bastante bonitas.

Flowers about to bloomFlowers about to bloom

Little did I know that just three short days later, things would be even better.

No sabía que sólo tres días después serían muchísimo más bellas.

Spring flowers in bloomSpring flowers in bloom

I am now preparing for my trip to Argentina. I leave on Tuesday, and I have a feeling that I am going to miss the tulips this year. As sad as I am about that I will be happy to be in Argentina again.

Ahora me estoy preparando para mi viaje a la Argentina. Salgo el martes, y me parece que voy a perder los tulipanes en mi jardín este año. Por lo triste que sería no ver mis flores favoritas en mi jardín, estaré feliz de estar de vuelta en la Argentina.

Spring flowers in bloom

I hope that you are enjoying spring as well – at least those of you living in the northern hemisphere.

Espero que te estés divirtiendo la primavera – bueno, si estás en el hemisferio del norte.

Front of house April 11, 2017

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!


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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Back in the Garden Again – De vuelta en el jardín

  1. Beautiful! Don’t you love it when Mother Nature helps out? We’re having a hard time finding a dry day to do our spring cleanup. The daffs are fading and our few tulips are blooming. Oh, and a million dandelions! Happy spring!
    Have a safe and fun trip to Argentina!

    • Spring is such a beautiful time of year. I love it! Enjoy your dandelions. Focus on how cheerful they look. Ours are just starting to explode.

    • The new house color still have not gotten old for me. Every time I look at the house I smile, especially now that there are flowers everywhere.

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