BIG House Reveal – La GRAN revelación de la casa

The exterior of our house is finally painted! And we loooooooooovvvveee it! It feels so good to finally have this done, and the house looks so pretty that I keep going outside just to look at it. Our neighbor from across the street even wrote Douglas to tell him that he likes the color as well, which is good because he will see it more than we will. Before I give you the final pictures, let’s see where we started and how the transformation occurred. Here is the outside of the house when it was listed for sale in 2009.

¡El exterior de la casa por fin está pintado! ¡¡¡Y nos encaaaaaantaaaa!!! Es un alivio no tener que preocuparnos por eso más. La casa se ve tan bonita que salgo a menudo sólo para mirarla. El vecino del otro lado de la calle le escribió un mensaje de texto a Douglas para decirle que le gustaba el color – ¡menos mal porque él lo va a ver más que nosotros! Antes de mostrarte las fotos más recientes, te voy a mostrar dónde empezamos y cómo ocurrió la transformación. Aquí está el exterior de la casa cuando estaba de venta en el 2009.

Cape of Dreams 2009

And here is a picture from August of this year. Some had changed, but it was mostly the same.

Y aquí está la foto de agosto de este año. Algunas cosas habían cambiado pero la mayoría seguía igualito.

Front of house

Then I painted some samples before deciding the final color. It was Jo from “Let’s Face the Music” who helped us to decide the color when she shared a link in the comments of this blog post. We loved the color of that house, and seeing the color on an entire house rather than a little swatch really helped us visualize it a lot better. Cypress Green by Benjamin Moore it was.

Hace tres semanas pinté unas muestras de colores en la casa para ayudarnos a decidir de qué color pintar la casa. Jo del blog “Let’s Face the Music” nos confirmó la decisión cuando compartió un enlace de una foto en los comentarios de este artículo. Nos encantaba el color de la casa en la foto y ver el color en una casa completa nos ayudó a visualizarlo en la nuestra. Tenía que ser el verde de los cipreses – Cypress Green de la compañía Benjamin Moore.

Color swatches on the house

Last fall I sent out an email at work asking if anyone knew of a good house painter. We received a lot of references and had several people over to give us a quote. Then, our friend Pablo from work offered to do it for us. He gave us a good price, plus we knew that we would be helping out a friend. We hired him, but he had to wait a year before starting. He had another friend help him, and they started on Monday, October 10. Douglas and I did not have to work that day, and I was excited to watch the progress. Alas, it takes a long time to prep a house to be painted, and at the end of the first day, it did not look like they had done anything. About the only noticeable change was the pile of “stuff” in our back yard.

Hace un año había mandado un correo electrónico en el colegio donde trabajamos Douglas y yo para pedir referencias por un pintor de confianza. Recibimos muchas y varias personas vinieron a la casa para darnos una estimación del precio para pintar la casa. Entonces, un compañero del trabajo, Pablo, nos dijo que le gustaría hacerlo. Nos dio un buen precio y nos gustaba la idea de ayudar a un amigo, así que lo contratamos, pero tuvo que esperar un año completa antes de empezar. Un amigo le ayudó y comenzaron el lunes 10 de octubre. No teníamos que trabajar ese día y estábamos emocionados para ver el progreso, pero resultó que las preparaciones para pintar tardan mucho tiempo y al final del día no se notaban los cambios. La única diferencia evidente era el montón de cosas en el jardín.

After first day of paint prep

On the second day, they power washed the entire house and everything around it. The house looked better already, but there was no paint on it. Look at those front stairs, though.

El segundo día lavaron la casa y todo alrededor. La casa se veía mejor, pero aún no había pintura. Mira qué tan limpias están las escaleras enfrente.

After second day of paint preppower washed cement stairs

The painting began on the third day, and it finally looked like something was happening to the house. There was not very much paint on the house, but there was enough for us to agree that we really liked the color.

La pintura empezó por fin el tercer día y finalmente se podían ver los cambios. Al final del día no había mucha pintura en la casa, pero había suficiente para que nos diéramos cuenta de que sí nos gustaba el color de verdad.

After third day of paint prep

On Friday, October 14, I shared this picture on Facebook. Douglas was adamant that we not keep the red door with a green house, but after he saw the house like this he admitted that it did not look that bad. Since we were changing the color of the doors, I thought that we should paint it orange, but he did not like that idea either. At the local hardware store we narrowed it down to a brick red or…

El viernes 14 de octubre, compartí esta foto en Facebook. Douglas insistía en que no quería una puerta roja con la casa verde, pero después de ver esto admitió que no se veía tan mala. Ya habíamos comprado un color nuevo y la puerta necesitaba una nueva capa de pintura. Como íbamos a cambiar el color, yo quería pintarla de anaranjado, pero a Douglas no le gusta ese color. En la ferretería local decidimos pintarla del color de ladrillos rojos o …

Mid exterior house painting

Purple! I liked the darker color of purple better, but Douglas picked this of the three options I gave him. This picture was taken on October 19, they were almost done with the painting.

…¡de MORADO! Me gustaba un color más oscuro de morado, pero Douglas escogió este de las tres opciones que le di. Esta foto es del 19 de octubre, cuando estaban terminando de pintar.

Mid exterior house painting

Finally, on Sunday, October 23, the painting was finished. We were thrilled with the results, but I had to clean up the yard before we could take pictures. Here is the front. As you can see, we decided not to replace the shutters. Neither of us can see the purpose of functionless shutters, and we agree that the house looks fine without them now that it is painted a different color and the trim stands out.

Terminaron por completo el lunes 23 de octubre. Nos encantaba el resultado, pero yo tenía que limpiar el jardín antes de sacar fotos. Aquí está la frente de la casa. Como puedes ver, decidimos no reemplazar las contraventas. No vemos la lógica de las que no tienen función, y estamos de acuerdo con que la casa se ve bonita sin ellas ahora que la casa está pintada de otro color y la moldura se destaca.

Post exterior house painting

This is the southern side of the house where our tenants motorcycle used to sit. I do NOT miss that thing. Can you see the sneak peak of another project I have been working on recently?

Este es el lado sureño de la casa donde antes se sentaba la moto del ex-inquilino. No me hace falta de ninguna manera. ¿Puedes ver el otro proyecto en el cual he estado trabajando recientemente?

Post exterior house paintingMosaic tree

Here is the back of the house. This view has the largest expanse of green, and only gets morning sun, but I like the color here as well.

Esta es la parte trasera de la casa. De aquí se puede ver la extensión más grande de verde y sólo recibe sol por la mañana, pero me gusta el color aún aquí.

Post exterior house painting

And finally the side of our house that few people ever see except for our neighbors on that side. Unfortunately for them, they get a view of all our wires and the air conditioning unit, but at least now things look better than they did. I haven’t heard what they think of the color. I have only bumped into one of the occupants of that house in the past couple of weeks, and she was only interested in telling me that she lost her tooth. I guess house color is not that interesting to a six-year-old.

De último el lado norteño de la casa, la parte que casi nadie ve con la excepción de los vecinos de ese lado. Desafortunadamente por ellos, pueden ver todos los alambres y la máquina del aire acondicionado. No sé lo que piensan del nuevo color porque sólo he visto a una de las habitantes de esa casa en los últimos dos semanas y ella sólo quería contarme de cómo ella había perdido un diente. Parece que el color de las casas no les interesa a las niñas de seis años.

Post exterior house painting

Here is a close up of the house. I still have to replace the house numbers, but I want to paint them first. I remembered yesterday when someone was coming to the house for the first time that they were not there. Luckily the green house with a purple door was easy for them to find!

Aquí hay una foto de más de cerca. Me hace falta reemplazar los números de la casa, pero tengo que pintarlos primero. Ayer me di cuenta de que no estaban cuando vino alguien a la casa que no había venido antes. Por suerte, ¡la casa con la puerta morada le fue fácil encontrar!

Post exterior house painting

So, what do you think of the new color? Douglas says he will repaint it himself if anyone does not like it.

¿Qué piensas del nuevo color? Douglas dice que pintará la casa de nuevo él mismo si a alguien no le gusta.

Before and after exterior house painting

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

18 Comments on “BIG House Reveal – La GRAN revelación de la casa

  1. OMG I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the purple door! I love the house color! I love how it looks together! 🙂 Great job, guys!!! And I love your new mosaic – it’s adorable!!! It looks like a tree walking while primping it’s hair – I love it and if you ever make a t-shirt of that I will buy it 🙂 Have you guys ever considered painting your cement foundation to match your house color? My dad tried that with our house and it looked so good all the neighbors painted theirs! I agree about the shutters. That’s one of my total pet peeves – non functional shutters – I think your house looks fantastic without them.

  2. If I’m repainting the house because one of your blog friends doesn’t like the color I’m using a paint ball gun to do it… 😛

    On the ugly side of the house there may still be wires, but they did remove quite a few that were no longer in use. So it is not as bad as it was. Thinking I need to paint the Verizon boxes cypress green to match side of the house. If Verizon doesn’t like it, they can remove them and we’ll find another provider. I’m sure they’ll cave…

  3. The colors are fantastic! I LOVE the green and how the trim pops. The purple door is a fun touch–it gives the house such character. It was fun to see all four sides of the house, too. Congrats on getting this done! I am putting together a reveal of our own house painting project. Stay tuned!

    • I actually thought about you a lot as this project was going on. It was a lot of work, and I was glad that we were not the ones doing it! I cannot wait to see what your house looks like.

  4. Love, love, love it! The colour is amazing and works really well with the purple door. It’s always amazing what a difference painting can make but this is a serious transformation. I also love how the white windows are much more defined and stand out against the soft green.
    I’d be running outside all of the time to look at it, too!

    • We are thrilled with the reaction. We would love it either way, but it is nice that other people like it as well. I wonder how long it will take until I get used to it and stop getting a big grin as I pull into the driveway.

    • The grass really is greener on the other side. I would love to have a brick house so that we would not have to paint! I do enjoy getting a change in color, but I would prefer not to have the work of maintenance or the cost or repainting.

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