More Paint! – ¡Más pintura!

After picking up the paint brush a couple of weeks ago, I just could not put it down. It is just so much fun to see the transformation occur right before my eyes. First I painted the door.

Después de blandir la brocha de pintura hace unas semanas, no podía soltarla. Me parecía increíble ver qué tan fácilmente se transformaban los espacios tras mis pinceladas. Primero, pinté la puerta.

Living room on a winter's dayNewly painted door

Then, I moved on to the kitchen.

Después, realicé mi magia en la cocina.

Kitchen August 2015Kitchen counter

My next victim (or should I say patient?) was the basement stairwell. Going downstairs gave me the heebie jeebies.

La próxima víctima (¿o debería decir paciente?) fueron las paredes de la escalera que conduce al sótano. Bajar por esa escalera me daba escalofríos por la condición de esas paredes.

Basement stairwell before paint

The paint was peeling in some areas, caked on in others, and most of it was stained. Seriously, it looked like a crime might have been committed there at some time and been badly cleaned afterward.

La pintura se estaba pelando en algunas partes y muy gruesa en otras y la mayoría estaba manchada. De verdad, daba la impresión de que alguien había cometido un crimen allí hace años y que no había limpiado bien después.

Basement stairwell before paint

A couple of years ago, I tried washing the walls. It did not help at all.

Hace unos años, intenté lavar las paredes con agua caliente y jabonosa. No ayudó para nada.

Basement stairwell before paint

In the basement, we had a bit of this light mauve paint in the bottom of a gallon pail that was left by the previous owners. I am guessing the the little bedroom had been painted pink at some point. It actually looked like it was painted pink when I moved in, but it was white. I think that the light coming through the pink curtains gives it that hue.

En el sótano, teníamos un poquito de pintura rosada al fondo de un cubo que quedaba de los dueños originales. Creo que la habitación pequeña en algún momento había estado pintada de ese color. En la foto de la habitación cuando compré la casa se ve rosada, pero en actualidad era blanca. Creo que la tinta rosada viene de la luz que filtra por las cortinas rosadas.


Douglas was horrified that I did not prep the walls before starting to paint. Honestly, I had planned to, but it just seemed like too much work for an area that people only see for a couple of seconds on their way up or down.

A Douglas le molestó que no preparé bien las paredes antes de pintarlas, pero me parecía mucho trabajo por un área que la gente ve por unos segundos al subir o bajar.

Basement stairwell after paint

It only took me a couple of coats and less than an hour of actual painting time to make these walls look a thousand times better. Now we just need to add a light to this area. Does the list ever end?

Tardé menos de una hora en pintar y las di dos capas de pintura. Al final, las paredes se veían mil veces mejor que antes. Ahora sólo hace falta poner una luz aquí. ¿Habrá un final de la lista de proyectos algún día?

Basement stairwell after paint

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “More Paint! – ¡Más pintura!

  1. I am having trouble getting the paintbrush to stay in my hands. Come help me!
    Our basement and attic stairwells both need a coat of brighter paint. I know just how you felt!

  2. have you thought about painting the underside of the stairs white? that would really brighten it up! but it looks 100% better with the mauve.

    • I would like to paint the underside of the stairs, but Douglas wants to drywall. I think that would be more work and expense for very little return. Maybe I should just go ahead and paint them.

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