Rental Renovation – Renovación del piso de alquiler

Last week our renters moved out. They had been in the apartment for four and a half years. Poor Douglas was on his own all week because I was partying, I mean studying, in Mexico.

La semana pasada nuestros inquilinos salieron del apartamento que tenemos en el primer piso de nuestra casa. Ellos habían estado en el piso por cuatro años y medio. Pobre Douglas estaba solo para hacer las renovaciones porque yo estaba festejando, o digo estudiando, en México.

Chichen Itza

I made a floor plan of the rental. It is not exactly to scale, but it can give you an idea of the layout.

Hice el plano de planta del apartamento. No está exactamente fiel a escala, pero te da una idea de la distribución de las habitaciones.

Rental floor planIt has been a while since I showed any pictures from our rental property. Unfortunately, these are not going to be that good because we need to get work done. Here is the entrance to the apartment through the front door.

Hace tiempo que no muestro fotos de nuestra propiedad para alquiler. Desafortunadamente, esas fotos no van a ser los mejores porque hay mucho trabajo que tenemos que hacer. Aquí está la entrada del piso pasando por la puerta principal.

Entering the rental propertyEntering the rental property

When you go through the door there is a small hallway. To the left there are two doors.

Cuando entras por la puerta hay un pasillo pequeño. A la izquierda hay dos puertas.

Two doorways in the rental hallway

The first door to the right is the bathroom. Since we repaired some tile damage a couple of months ago, there is not much that we need to do in the bathroom. Douglas is considering replacing the vanity, but that will only happen if there is time.

La primera puerta a la derecha es el baño. Como hicimos unas reparaciones al azulejo dañado hace unos meses, no hay mucho trabajo que necesitamos hacer en el baño. Douglas está considerando cambiar el mueble del lavabo, pero eso sólo ocurrirá si hay tiempo.

Rental bathroomRental bathroom

On the northern side of the house, or far left from the top of the stairs, is the kitchen.

Al norte de la casa, o sea a la izquierda de la entrada, está la cocina.

Rental KitchenRental KitchenRental KitchenCloset in rental

There are two large closets in this room.

Hay dos closets grandes en ese cuarto.

Closet in rentalCloset in rental

We need to replace the stove, the tiles and the ceiling fan. Yesterday at Home Depot, we were able to pick up two ceiling fans, but we had to order the stove and the tiles because they did not have the ones that I liked best in stock. Hopefully, they arrive on time! Our new tenant is bringing her own refrigerator because this one is not getting cold enough.

Hace falta cambiar la estufa, el piso y el ventilador del techo. Ayer en Home Depot, pudimos comprar dos ventiladores, pero tuvimos que pedir la estufa y las baldosas de linóleo para el suelo porque no tenían los que me gustaban más en la tienda.  ¡Espero que lleguen a tiempo! La nueva inquilina va a traer su nevera porque la que tenemos no está funcionando bien.

Stove in rentalDamaged linoleum in rental

Going back into the hallway, the door on the left is another closet. This little apartment has great storage!

Volviendo al pasillo, la puerta a la izquierda es otro closet. ¡Este apartamento pequeño tiene mucho almacenamiento!

Hallway in rentalCloset in rental

The bedroom/living space is the largest room in the apartment. It gets a lot of light and looks pretty good other than needing a new paint job.

El cuarto de dormer/estar es el más grande del piso. Tiene mucha luz y se ve bastante bien. Sólo necesita una nueva capa de pintura.

Bedroom/ living room in rentalBedroom/ living room in rentalBedroom/ living room in rentalBedroom/ living room in rental

We are planning to replace this ceiling fan as well, since it is not working well.

Tenemos el plan de cambiar este ventilador también porque no funciona bien.

Ceiling fan in rental

There are another two closets in this room.

Hay dos closets más en esta habitación.

Closet in rentalCloset in rental

So, that is our rental property. Hopefully, it will look a lot better in a couple of weeks. Wish Douglas well with the renovation!

Entonces, este es nuestro apartamento para alquilar. Ojalá se vea mejor en unas semanas. ¡Deséale suerte a Douglas con la renovación!

Douglas painting rental

Happy Homemaking!

¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!


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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Rental Renovation – Renovación del piso de alquiler

  1. Your apartment reminds me of one I had in college, but nicer. I wish mine had come with a fluffy black cat. I love the shape of rooms under eaves.

    • This apartment does not come with the cat either. I don’t think that anyone else could stand Creme’s intense scrutiny all the time. However, the new tenant does have a ragdoll cat that we are all anxious to meet.

  2. nice to see new pics of the rental space – it’s a beautiful spot for sure! did Ponche come up, too, or just Creme? i love how she’s looking at the ceiling fan in the picture where you said you have to replace it. she’s a good foreman!

    • I did not even notice that she was looking up in that picture. She knows what I am talking about. Ponche did go up, but he is a big scardy cat. He would come up for a minute or two and then run back home.

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