So Much to Tell – Tanto que contar

The last couple of weeks have been crazy, and the next four are going to be even crazier. It is going to be a while before things return to normal if there even is such a thing at the Cape of Dreams. Spoiler alert – There isn’t!

Las últimas semanas pasaron con una locura poco usual y las próximas serán aún más ocupadas. Será un buen rato antes de que las cosas se normalicen en el Cabo de Sueños, si normal es posible por aquí… ¡Alerta! – No lo es.

National Gallery, Oslo, NorwayGrafitti, Oslo, Norway

So, on March 18, Douglas and I left for Norway. We spent the first three days in Tromsø, where we went dog sledding and saw the Northern Lights.

Bueno, el 18 de marzo Douglas y yo salimos para Noruega. Pasamos los primeros tres días del viaje en Tromsø, donde paseamos en trineo de perros y vimos la Aurora Boreales.

Dog sledding in NorwayAurora Borealis Norway - Leander - Aurora Safari - Tromso Safari

Then, we headed down to Oslo for the next five days, which we spent with our niece exploring the city. She has been there since August teaching English, so she knows the city well and was a great hostess. Luckily, we were also able to find some things that she hadn’t discovered yet.

Después, fuimos a Oslo for unos cinco días, los cuales pasamos con nuestra sobrina explorando la ciudad. Ella ha estado allí desde agosto dando clases de inglés en un colegio. Ella conoce muy bien el área y fue buena anfitriona. Por suerte, pudimos encontrar algunos lugares y actividades que ella todavía no había conocido ni hecho.

Ferry ride Oslo, NorwayWalk in the park, Oslo, Norway

There is so much to tell about our trip, but there is a lot going on back here in New York as well. Hopefully, I will be able to write some posts about Norway in the upcoming weeks.

Hay mucho que contar de nuestra aventura, pero mucho está pasando aquí en Nueva York también. Espero poder escribir unos artículos de nuestro viaje en las semanas que vienen.

Vigeland Park, Oslo, NorwayTromso, Norway

The same day that we returned to New York, my friend Miguelito and his fiance Brian also arrived. You may remember them from my trip to Argentina last summer. Miguelito was my guide through Buenos Aires one day, and I met Brian at a dinner that Miguelito hosted for us.

El mismo día que volvimos de Noruega, mi amigo Miguelito y su novio Brian llegaron a Nueva York también. Puede ser que los recuerdas de mi viaje a la Argentina el año pasado. Miguelito fue mi guía por Buenos Aires un día y conocí a Brian en una cena que nos hizo Miguelito.

The obelisk, Av. 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDinner at Miguelito's in Buenos Aires, Argentina

They came over to our house for dinner last Tuesday, and then on Wednesday, I was the proud witness for their wedding.

Ellos vinieron al Cabo de Sueños para cenar el martes y el miércoles tuve el honor de ser la testigo de su matrimonio.

Dinner with Brian and MiguelitoBrian and Miguelito's wedding

Miguelito and Brian are now back in Argentina, But I will get another opportunity to hang out with them in just two short weeks. That is right; I am returning to Argentina! I am taking a group of students down there for a conference April 19-25. From there we will travel to Patagonia for three days before returning home. I will have traveled from one pole to the other in less than a month.

Miguelito y Brian ya están de vuelta en Argentina, pero yo tendré otra oportunidad de estar con ellos en solo dos semanas cortitas. Sí, es verdad, ¡vuelvo a la Argentina! Llevaré un grupo de estudiantes a Buenos Aires por una conferencia desde el 19 al 25 de abril. De allí viajaremos a la Patagonia por tres días más antes de volver a casa. Habré viajado de un polo al otro en menos de una semana.

Dinner with Brian and MiguelitoBrian and Miguelito's wedding

Back to last week, on Wednesday shortly after I returned home from the wedding, we received a call from Child Protective Services asking us to take in two boys. We said yes, but in the end they failed to locate the boys. I just hope that they are safe. It is probably for the best that they were not here for the weekend, because Spiderman and Ironman came to spend the weekend with us!

Para continuar con nuestras actividades de la semana pasada, un poco después de que volví de la boda de Miguelito y Brian, recibimos una llamada del estado preguntándonos si recibiríamos a dos muchachos en nuestra casa. Contestamos que sí, pero al final no vinieron. Su madre los escondió y no los han podido localizar hasta ahora. Espero que estén bien, pero probablemente es mejor que no vinieran porque el Hombre de Hierro y el Hombre Araña estaban con nosotros por el fin de semana.

Siperman and Ironman visitSpiderman and Ironman visit Teatown I picked them up on Friday at 6:00 pm, and they were with us until Sunday when we dropped them off at 2:00 pm. It was great to spend the weekend with them again. On Saturday, we drove out to Riverhead to go to the aquarium with my mother, because the boys really wanted to see her. We had a blast.

Fui a buscarlos el viernes a las seis de la tarde y estaban con nosotros hasta el domingo a las dos de la tarde cuando los dejamos en su casa otra vez. Fue un placer pasar el fin de semana entero con ellos. El sábado fuimos a Riverhead para visitar el acuario con mi madre, porque los muchachos querían ver a ella. Nos divertimos muchísimo.

Spiderman and Ironman visit the Riverhead AquariumSpiderman and Ironman visit the Riverhead Aquarium

On Sunday, we took the boys to Teatown Preserve to fight ogres. They both assured me that they killed at least ten apiece. We are hoping that these weekend visits will occur fairly regularly.

El domingo los llevamos a la reserva de Teatown para luchar contra los ogros que se encuentran allí. Los muchachos me aseguraron que mataron a diez cada uno. Esperamos que las visitas de fines de semana sean eventos bastantes frecuentes de ahora en adelante.

Spiderman and Ironman visit TeatownSpiderman and Ironman visit Teatown

One last event before I leave for Argentina, is that we will host a teacher from Rwanda for a week. If you have been following the blog for a long time, you may remember that in April 2013, we hosted Angela from Rwanda. One of her colleagues will arrive on Saturday to stay with us.

Un último evento antes de que me vaya a la Argentina es que un profesor de Ruanda viene a quedarse con nosotros por una semana. Si has leído el blog por mucho tiempo puede ser que te acuerdas de que, en abril del 2013, vino Angela de Ruanda para quedarse con nosotros. Ahora viene un colega de ella el sábado para visitar.

Angela and JessicaDinner with Rwandan guests

So, my life will be a whirlwind for a while. I just hope that all goes well. I will try to keep writing, but I hope you understand if we do not get much done around the house.

Entonces mi vida será como un torbellino por un rato y espero que todo vaya bien. Intentaré escribir de vez en cuando, pero ojalá que entiendas si no podemos hacer muchos de los proyectos que hemos planeado en la casa.

Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

10 Comments on “So Much to Tell – Tanto que contar

  1. What a lovely post! You’re certainly keeping really busy and I’m so glad you’re able to have Spider-and-Ironman over on some weekends.

  2. Your life is crazy! You have the most interesting international lifestyle with all your visits and visitors.
    I am thrilled to hear that Spiderman and Ironman can visit you. That must make you feel so much better!
    Congratulations to Miguelito and Brian!

    • Crazy but I love it! Growing up my family always had people over often living with us or staying for a while – Iranians, a Cuban, an Armenian. I also learned to make friends with the exchange students, especially after my year abroad when I learned how lonely it could be. Now we continue the tradition.

    • The boys miss us but they have also become reaccustomed to a different way of life. Marcus in particular was very mad that I wouldn’t let him bring his tablet or watch tv the whole time. He did enjoy the excursions though.

  3. woah! busy busy girl! so happy you got to spend time with spiderman & ironman. they look bigger/more grown up already! that’s wonderful they wanted to spend time with your mom, too.
    CONGRATULATIONS to Miguelito and Brian !!! that’s super awesome, and so special you got to be such a big part of their big day!
    can’t wait to hear more about Norway, and Argentina!

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