Fall Decor – Adornos de otoño

After Halloween, I changed some things around in the living and dining room to reflect fall. I left the silver and green pumpkins on the shelves.

Después de Halloween, cambié los adornos para reflejar el otoño en vez de Halloween. Dejé las calabazas plateadas y verdes en los estantes.

Fall Decor

Crème and Kahlua think that black cats and dogs are the perfect accessories at any time of year. I was surprised that Kahlua allowed herself to photographed so easily that day. I’m not sure where Ponche was.

Crème y Kahlua piensan que los gatos y perros negros son accesorios perfectos por cualquier momento. Me sorprendió que Kahlua dejó que la fotografiara tan fácilmente ese día. No sé dónde estaba Ponche.

Fall DecorFall Decor

On the bookshelf I turned the little white pumpkins around so that they no longer read “Happy Halloween.”

En la estantería volteé las calabazas blancas para no se leyera el <<Happy Halloween>>.

Fall Decor

The purple and red bowls are pieces that I made myself this fall with the art teacher at school. When Douglas saw them he remarked that they looked “just like something that you would buy in a store.” I don’t think that he had any faith in my abilities to throw pots.

Los platos morados y rojos son unos que hice yo misma recientemente con la profesora de arte del colegio. Cuando Douglas los vio me dijo que se ven <<como algo que se puede comprar en una tienda>>.  No creo que él tuviera fe de mi habilidad de crear cerámica.

Fall DecorFall Decor

The basket holds the leftover Halloween candy and mints.

La cesta contiene los caramelos y mentas que sobran del Halloween.

Fall Decor

I changed out the bone wreath with a plain grapevine wreath that I made last week. I will write about that project soon.

Cambié la guirnalda de hueso con unos de vides de uva que hice el año pasado. Escribiré de ese proyecto un día de estos.

Fall DecorFall Decor

It is hard to believe that it will soon be time for Christmas decorations. In the meantime, I am enjoying the fall decor.

Es difícil creer que muy pronto tendremos que adornar la casa para la Navidad. Mientras tanto, estamos disfrutando los adornos de otoño.

Fall Decor

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog www.CapeofDreams.com

6 Comments on “Fall Decor – Adornos de otoño

    • I have worked with clay a lot, but I had not used a pottery wheel since I was twelve. It came back to me a lot faster than I thought it would. It is amazing what the body remembers that the mind forgets. The girls and the boy send their love to their Washington friends!

  1. Your pots look great — decorative and useful. That reminds me I must find my fall-color hand-thrown bowl from a friend. Hmm. As for Christmas, your favorite colors seem to lend themselves to a Christmas in the Kasbah. Looking forward to your holiday glitz-up. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

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